Sunday, October 19, 2008

Chef in training

"I have wanted to go to cooking school for at least nine years. No, that's not true, i have always wanted to be a chef but somehow my dreams got away from me.
A chef is a superstar in my eyes. Someone who takes from the bounty of the earth and creates art that not only inspires, but fulfills the five senses. It is sensual, it is beautiful, it is joy.
Since i can remember my mind was focused on food. From either tasting any new thing i could, to creating "soups and stews" from rose petals. mud, grass and other yard findings.
As an adult, my experience with cooking started mostly in someone else's kitchen. My brother-in-law's kitchen in his restaurant in the heart of Paris, my parents', my friends'. When i realized that I enjoyed it so much and that my food could make people happy I decided that it was time for me to go to cooking school. Of course i have been searching for the perfect school that will fit my needs. One that will share my beliefs:
A few years ago in Paris i came across the famous book from Jean Seignalet "Food or The Third Medecine" 660 pages of health recommendation based on food and diet. My osteopath told me about it and added i should be careful with my liver.
I have been suffering with migraine since I was 13 years old so I learned about what to eat or not to eat to prevent a migraine. But my love for food (good French food) wasn't ready to compromise. That was until I was diagnosted last winter with a fatty liver. Funny words. It became clear. I want to cook healthy, tasty food. No compromise.
I see my future sharing my passion with everyone, but mostly with children. Being a chef who will inspire others to eat healthy and show them how to cook.
And I believe that the Natural Gourmet Institute is the place to start.
New York, september 13 2008"
That is the letter I send with my application to enroll.

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